Friday, 7 September 2012

IF CHILDREN ..............

IF CHILDREN ...........

Umme Muhammad
All rights reserved@Allah's presence

If children are instilled with tawakkul they will have a strong bond with Allah
If children are taught to love and fear Allah they will develop Taqwa

If children are kept away from materialistic desires 
They will keep away from envy ,lust ,and love of dunya to acquire

If children practice good deeds they will have piety
If they practice virtuous deeds they will be trustworthy

If children keep thinking Allah is watching me,He knows and hears what i say or do
They will abstain from committing sins , will know when repentance is due

If they keep repenting and seeking forgiveness from Allah
They will becomes His favorites and closer to Jannah

Loved by Allah loved by everyone
The journey has just begun

O Allah make our children the coolness of our eyes
Save them from envy and from evil eyes

Let them lead a virtuous life
Lead them to Jannah, make them strive!!



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