Friday, 11 October 2013



“We will sacrifice this old bull that has helped us throughout his life”
“No! No way you can’t do that!”
“What will we do the rest of the year?” Said, the farmer’s wife..

Nisar and Sana lived in the Mayang village of Assam. Nisar and Sana both had little education because in the village it was difficult to cope with farm work and studies, but they had read Quran and were good practicing Muslims .Every year they sacrificed goats or a bull for Eid Ul Adha .They distributed the meat amongst their relatives and also among the poor.

Nisar had a bad crop that year. His earnings were greatly disturbed. He owned a few acres of land which he cultivated with rice. There were good rains and a good crop which he had cut sacked and stored in the storage. There were sudden unseasonal rains from which water seeped into the store and the good harvest was ruined. So this year they didn’t have enough profits to buy a bull or goats.

“Prophet Ibrahim had a sole son which was born at 86 years of age and he was ready to sacrifice him for the sake of Allah so why cant we give this old bull Sana” explained Nisar. “That’s exactly what I mean dear why do u want to give an old bull”. Said Sana

“All our relatives will make fun of us and we will become the talk of the village People will mock me, jeer me ,” continued Nisar. “We wont sacrifice the bull, no way !” argued Sana

Then Sana got up to her room opened her locker and brought her gold bangles and gave them to Nisar and said, “Nisar you didn’t understand what I meant, here take these bangles and sell them and get the animal to be sacrificed. We don’t sacrifice for name We don’t sacrifice for fame But we sacrifice to please Allah swt Where has the Taqwa gone ?

We have to give from what we love ,what we adore We have to crush our desires ,Ibrahim As was ready to give a son whom he adored whom he loved Subhanallah and we give a bull who is almost dead” Sana ended up in tears she saw Nisar’s eyes moist too.

written by Umme Muhammad
All rights reserved @Allah's presence


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