-Umme Muhammad
All rights reserved @Allah subhanahu wa taalas presence
I was running,
The Dazzling and Gleaming,
Dunya I was chasing,
With a passion burning,
Wanted to get everything,
But a life full of fantasy and disobeying.
Living for enjoying,
Not looking at those crying,
Neither the feeling of those screaming,
Nor Of those dying,
I kept on sinning,
Obligations I kept forgetting.
From my Lord I kept turning,
Until in a gloom I kept falling,
Deep, dark and one way landing,
And from there was no returning,
I was profusely sweating.
Held on by my mother hugging,
You had been dreaming,
And I was crying,
And returned to thy Lord repenting,
Who had been ever waiting.
Bestowed me with each and every Blessing,
Showered me with His mercy dropping,
Chose me not only to be a Muslim, but practicing,
Islam a way of life I keep learning,
To follow every sunnah I am hoping,
To see my Lord pleased I am yearning,
And praying too that at the day of reckoning,
I am chosen to enter paradise smiling :).
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-Umme Muhammad
All rights reserved @Allah subhanahu wa taalas presence
I was running,
The Dazzling and Gleaming,
Dunya I was chasing,
With a passion burning,
Wanted to get everything,
But a life full of fantasy and disobeying.
Living for enjoying,
Not looking at those crying,
Neither the feeling of those screaming,
Nor Of those dying,
I kept on sinning,
Obligations I kept forgetting.
From my Lord I kept turning,
Until in a gloom I kept falling,
Deep, dark and one way landing,
And from there was no returning,
I was profusely sweating.
Held on by my mother hugging,
You had been dreaming,
And I was crying,
And returned to thy Lord repenting,
Who had been ever waiting.
Bestowed me with each and every Blessing,
Showered me with His mercy dropping,
Chose me not only to be a Muslim, but practicing,
Islam a way of life I keep learning,
To follow every sunnah I am hoping,
To see my Lord pleased I am yearning,
And praying too that at the day of reckoning,
I am chosen to enter paradise smiling :).
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